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Registration: captcha-solving for dummies

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:27 pm
by MrEko
This may seem odd as a first post, but..

you (whoever can) should really change the registration form.
I just wasted 5 minutes trying to sign-up until I realized, that everytime I hit Return after I enter the Captcha, instead submitting the data and creating my account, there is just a new captcha send to me.

Obviously the Return key triggers the "Send new Captcha"- instead of the "Submit"-Button.

At least I can solve Captchas now..

By the way, I have been working for 2 weeks now, creating what I call a "security shell". Basically a bunch of classes that receive the ismyturn-scrapes from OH (in form of OH-Symbols) and tries to check them for validity (in order to sort out misscrapes, etc.) and save the progress of a complete hand in a simple format making assumptions for missing actions that were not scraped.

I plan to share it back to the community when its done (and if it proves useful), as I am very thankful for the whole OH-Project.

Re: Registration page of this forum - Hit Enter==submit? + H

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:22 pm
by Max In Montreal
Hi MrEko, sorry if we made you cry. A capcha is used to make sure it is a human that is registering, and not a computer program. On this website we frown upon using software to automate boring repetitious tasks, such as registering onto an online forum or even playing online poker.

Apparently since you passed the test, although it took you much more than the average 3 try rule, we are glad you are here.

The software used to run this forum is installed as default. If we fix that problem, it will cost money for the fix, and every time we do upgrade the software, because it is not a default installation anymore.

Because this is something that might happen only once in your lifetime, it is not something I am thinking of changing, and I suggest you get over it. There will be bigger issues to focus on, welcome to the forum!

Re: Registration page of this forum - Hit Enter==submit? + H

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:02 am
by Folder

I see you've met the boss.
There is no way back for you now, and no way I can help you.
Work hard, stay strong and be brave...

Good luck.

Re: Registration page of this forum - Hit Enter==submit? + H

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:20 am
by MrEko
Max In Montreal wrote:Hi MrEko

Hi Boss
Max In Montreal wrote:sorry if we made you cry.
Max In Montreal wrote:If we fix that problem, it will cost money for the fix, and every time we do upgrade the software..
I understand that. I thought maybe you had direct access to the template of the registration form. IMO it would be sufficient to write "Do not hit return" behind the captcha-input, which would be a work of 1 minute (+ x minutes finding the correct template if you do not know) * number of forum-upgrades
Max In Montreal wrote:Apparently since you passed the test, although it took you much more than the average 3 try rule, we are glad you are here.
Oh wait, so this is the first test of intelligence and debugging skills. I like it then! Well, I was debugging my yet-another-state-processor all day, therefore I was already in Chimp-mode.
Max In Montreal wrote:welcome to the forum!
Thanks, Sir.
Folder wrote: There is no way back for you now, and no way I can help you.
Work hard, stay strong and be brave...

Re: Registration: captcha-solving for dummies

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 10:50 am
by TheHighFish
Problem solved.
Now Max only needs to write some warm words of welcome for all new members...


Re: Registration: captcha-solving for dummies

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 4:58 am
by Folder
TheHighFish wrote:Problem solved.
Now Max only needs to write some warm words of welcome for all new members...
